Legal Information

The site is the property of Mr POSTEL Pierre-Marie registered with the Trade and Companies Register of Caen, under the number FR90115013600025.

Located: 8 rue des companions, 14000 Caen.

The publication director of the site is Mr. POSTEL Pierre-Marie.

The web services of Mr POSTEL Pierre-Marie have been designed and are maintained operational by the company Easy W3 located in Caen (14000)

The site is hosted on the dedicated servers of the company Easy W3, a limited liability company with a capital of 7622,45 Euros registered with the Trade and Companies Register of Caen under the number RCS CAEN B 420 199 390, VAT number FR53420199390.

Contact details: Easy W3 – 33 Rue du pot d’étain – 14000 Caen

Sales department and technical assistance telephone: 0826.009.009 (€0,15/min per call)